Apr 23, 2018
Gies Business students get onsite tips from the ‘startup nation’
“Israel is well-known as the ‘Startup Nation’ and its prominence in international business cannot be ignored,” said Jeffrey R. Brown, dean of the Gies College of Business. “Israel’s well-established reputation for innovation in technology and agriculture makes it a natural partner for the cutting-edge research at UIUC,” he told JNS.

According to Brown, the trip intended to give the students a head start at turning business concepts into viable companies that will impact Illinois, the United States and the world. In addition, visiting various companies with “a similar culture of a desire to make the world a better place through their products and business practice,” also employed the principles of business and ethical responsibility that Brown said is foundational in the Gies coursework. “
They got to see it in action,” he said.
Read more: https://www.jns.org/illinois-business-school-students-get-onsite-tips-from-the-startup-nation/.